Business, Sport, Culture.

The horse industry is a multi-faceted and unique environment that is at once a business, a sport and a culture of its own. Protect your interests.

Horse-people have different legal needs depending on whether their equestrian activities are professional or recreational. We can help, no matter your status.


Whether or not you engage in horse activities for a profit, if money matters to you at all then you should be “business-like” in your conduct. Having a contract is the best way to protect your financial interests in both the long and short term.

Limited Liability Companies

I can help you understand if and when you need an LLC, and set one up for you if needed.

Horse Co-Ownership Agreements

I’ll help you to establish the rights and obligations of all co-owners.

Employment Agreements

Help your employees understand what benefits you are and are not offering with a unique employment agreement. 

Releases of liability

Protect yourself with releases of liability, also called waivers. These are required in some states if you want the benefit of the immunity protections afforded by some equine activity liability acts.


A well drafted lease agreement is important because leasing a horse is probably one of the riskiest transactions in the horse business.

Boarding Contracts

Boarding Contracts are important to any stable owner who wants to get paid and doesn’t want to get sued.

Purchase and Sale Agreements

Purchase and Sale Agreements are a seller’s best protection, assuming the buyer  actually signs!  I draft custom sales contracts and as part of my services I send them out for signature by all parties via Docusign.

Training Agreements

Training Agreements as a stand-alone contract in cases where a trainer or rider is providing services to a horse that is not boarded with the trainer.

Equestrian Facility Leases

Equestrian Facility Leases are crucial to both landlord and tenant.  In my experience, there is no such thing as a “standard” barn or farm lease – everyone will have some specific needs or wants that require customization.  And a standard residential property lease will not get the job done, no matter what your realtor may say.

Breeding Contracts

Breeding Contracts, whether for live-cover or semen purchase, are helpful to both the stallion owner and the mare owner, particularly because the period of time between the payment of a deposit and the birth of the foal can be a year or more.


Representing clients in defending against allegations of liability or misconduct in a variety of forums.

Administrative Litigation

Defending competitive or membership privileges with equestrian sporting associations and governing bodies such as USEF, FEI, IOC, NSA, racing boards and breed registries, with a particular emphasis on “horse doping” cases and medications violations.  I have more than twenty years of experience serving as an administrative law judge, which translates into invaluable insight into the process facing clients in any administrative litigation setting involving equestrian sport.

Civil Litigation

Everyone hates to go to court, but sometimes it cannot be avoided.  I have represented clients in

  • Contract, Sales and Insurance Coverage Disputes;
  • Professional Liability Defense;
  • Personal and Horse Injury;
  • Partnership and Ownership Disputes; and
  • Protecting Creditors’ Rights, including collection services.
Criminal Defense

Defending Horsemen against allegations of criminal conduct, with a particular emphasis on charges stemming from animal-related activities and federal crimes.

Tax Litigation

Representing Horsemen throughout the IRS Audit Process, including Interview/Examination, Appeals, and Tax Court.


Assisting attorneys and businesses on matters related to equine law, including providing research support, case analysis, and contract drafting.


“Pick my brain.”  For a fixed consultation fee, I am happy to consult with a colleague and answer questions related to the horse industry, equine law, and even provide summary/informal case evaluations.


Equine law research support


Providing equine law and equestrian sport expertise in litigation matters, behind the scenes or in a second-chair capacity.



For more than 25 years, Krysia Carmel Nelson has provided valuable services to both the horse industry and the legal profession.  In addition to her law practice, her Equine Law & Business Letter has kept legal, insurance and equine professionals abreast of legal news affecting the horse industry for more than three decades.  A frequent speaker at industry and legal conferences, she has also taught law school courses in animal law and college level business courses in equine law.