Equine Law & Business Letter

The Equine Law Authority Since 1990

Equine Law & Business Letter  is the nation’s foremost source for legal and business news affecting horse owners and professionals.  It is the most comprehensive reference for current court decisions and legislation concerning racetracks, horse owners, breeders, trainers, equine insurers, riding stables, ranches, trail riding operations and resorts, horse shows and other horse sports and activities too numerous to detail.  Equine Law & Business Letter  also includes a “Who’s Who In Equine Law” Directory of Equine Law Practitioners and a Professional Services Listing — valuable resources for locating attorneys and experts who have equine expertise.

Equine Law & Business Letter  is published quarterly, and has been reporting on equine matters since 1990.  Back issues are available for purchase below.

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Winter 2022

  • Donkey Breeder Proves Profit Motive In Tax Court
  • Baffert Initiates More Litigation Over “Medina Spirit” Disqualification
  • Where To Sue? Disgruntled Purchaser Picks Wrong Venue…Twice
  • Buyer’s Testimony Fails To Prove Auction Company’s Wrongdoing
  • Trial Necessary To Establish Terms Of Oral Contract
  • New York Court Considers Impact Of Rojas On Pending Prosecutions
  • Veterinarian Faces Criminal Charges For “Conspiring” To Make And Market Horse Ulcer Medications
  • Government Properly Secured Wiretaps To Build Cases Against Trainers and Veterinarians
  • Horse Owners Fail To State Claim Against Tracks For Banning Trainer
  • Trainer Entitled To Drug Test Results
  • Failure To File Correct Paperwork Dooms Claim For Incentive Funds
  • Disgruntled Purchaser Sues Over Lame Horse
  • Trainer Waited Too Long To Appeal Disciplinary Action
  • Horse Owners Dismissed From Lawsuit Arising From Motorcycle Collision
  • Animal Rights Group Sends “Undercover Agent” To Work At Farm
  • Double Jeopardy Does Not Bar Criminal Prosecution Of Horse Owner For Abuse
  • “No Contact” Order Between Trainers Held “Unreasonably Restrictive”
  • Child’s Injury Claim Not Barred By Release
  • Cribbing Collars Give Rise To Patent Dispute
  • Equine Massage = Practice of Veterinary Medicine, In NY
  • Court Makes Preliminary Evidentiary Rulings In Sales Case
  • Lawsuit Over Copyrighted Forms Pending In Oregon
  • Horses Feature In Pending Legislation Nationwide
  • Equestrian Sport Initially Confirmed For 2028 Olympics In Los Angeles
  • FEI Removes All International Equestrian Events In Russia And Belarus; Athletes, Horses and Officials Banned From All FEI Events Worldwide
$65.00 x 1

Winter 2022

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Autumn 2021

  • Supreme Court Vindicates Racehorse Trainer Convicted Of Doping
  • Further Laboratory Testing Of “Medina Spirit” Sample Appears To Vindicate Baffert
  • What Rights Are Afforded By An “Owner’s” License?
  • Trainer Denied Stay Of 60-Day Suspension
  • Similar Facts, Same Result: Court Denies Trainer Relief From 60-Day Suspension
  • Horse Breeder Lacks Standing To Challenge Unadopted Gaming Rule
  • “Business Interruption” Coverage Does Not Apply To Economic Losses Caused By Pandemic Closures Of Live Racing
  • Racing Commission Can Consider Expunged Conviction
  • Zoetis Can’t Escape Lawsuits For Injectable Antibiotic, “Excede”
  • Creditor Has No Claims Against Purchasers Of Equine Collateral
  • Courts Can’t Reach Horses Located Out-Of-State
  • Appellate Court Reinstates Personal Injury Lawsuit Against Dude Ranch
  • Passenger Injured On “Shore Excursion” Trail Ride Cannot Sue Cruiseline and Trail Ride Operators In Same Action
  • Communications With Equine Lawyer Not Privileged
  • How Tall Is That Pony?
  • No Fiduciary Duty Between Buyer and Seller
  • Kentucky Law On Conversion, “Unsettled”
  • Notable Changes to Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies, Effective January 1, 2022
  • FEI Tribunal Accepts Explanation, “My Groom Peed In The Stall”
  • FEI Announces Tribunal Decisions In Two Horse Abuse Cases
  • Equine Doping Cases Decided By The FEI Tribunal In November, 2021
  • FEI Press Releases Announce Tribunal’s Final Decisions in Equine Anti-Doping Cases for October, 2021
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Autumn 2021

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Summer 2021

  • Racehorse Trainer Pleads Guilty To Doping Scheme
  • Venezuelan Man Guilty Of Money Laundering Scheme Involving Racehorses
  • Horseracing Integrity and Safety Act Faces First Court Challenge
  • Who’s On First? Misidentification Of Racehorse Spawns Lawsuits 
  • Court Refuses To Exercise Judicial Oversight Of Sporting Club 
  • Show Jumping “Leagues” Continue To Clash 
  • Group Mounts Unsuccessful Challenge To Virginia’s Animal Cruelty Laws
  • An Amish Buggy Is Not An “Uninsured Motorist” 
  • Groom Denied Worker’s Comp For Injuries Sustained Escaping From Early Morning Barn Fire 
  • Personal Injury Case Dismissed On Basis Of Pennsylvania EALA
  • Policyholder Can Sue Agency After Insurer’s Denial Of Mortality Claim 
  • Disgruntled Purchaser Sues Own Trainer For Fraud 
  • Why Didn’t You Hire An Appraiser? 
  • Wife Entitled To As Many Horses After Divorce As During Marriage 
  • USEF Provides NIL Guidance for NCAA Collegiate Equestrians 
  • USEF Sanctions Official For Violating Social Media Policy 
  • USEF Suspends Member Charged With Multiple Felonies 
  • Administrative Error Disqualifies Israeli Rider From Olympics 
  • FEI Press Releases Announce Tribunal’s Final Decisions in Equine and Human Anti-Doping Cases
$65.00 x 1

Summer 2021

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Spring 2021

  • Wedding Guest, Bitten By Horse She Was Petting, Cannot Sue
  • Cruise Passenger Injured By Horse On Shore Excursion Faces Jurisdictional Challenges
  • “Spectator” or “Participant”? Or Maybe Both?
  • Experts Disagree About Child’s Injuries, Sustained At Home Of Relative
  • Who’s On First?
  • Are All Farm Employees “Agricultural”? For Workers’ Comp Purposes, The Kentucky Supreme Court Weighs In
  • Lawsuit Against Drug Company Over Injectable Antibiotic Survives Motion To Dismiss
  • Racehorses Perish At Sea In Poorly Ventilated Shipping Container
  • Owner Of Show Horse That Died In Car Wreck Sues Shipper
  • Veterinarian Can Be Sued For Both Malpractice And Fraud
  • Those Wild Horses Are Stealing My Water!
  • Vegan Army Sues Over “Designated” Protest Area
  • New York Carriage Drivers Can’t Sue City
  • Rescue’s Collateral Attack On Court Order Fails
  • FEI Zaps Kocher For Electric Spurs
  • FEI Issues Final Decisions in Two Equine Anti-Doping Cases
  • FEI Suspends Brazilian Athlete for Abusing Daughter’s Pony
  • CAS Overturns FEI Suspension of Endurance Rider Accused of Abuse
  • CAS Ruling Shakes Up Olympic Qualifiers
$65.00 x 1

Spring 2021

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Winter 2021

  • Racehorse Trainer’s Conviction Affirmed On Appeal
  • Racehorse Trainer Owes Workers $200+K For Unpaid Overtime
  • Child Injury During Helmet-less Trail Ride Spurs Litigation
  • Colorado Judge Questions Whether Exculpatory Agreement Can Preclude Claim Of Negligence Per Se
  • Kentucky Horse Park Patron Sues Over Injury
  • Access To Checkbook Does Not Give Rise To Fiduciary Duty
  • Insurance Policy Limits Coverage For Unlisted Horses And Dogs
  • Lawsuit Over Transfer Of Blind Horse Will Move Forward
  • Team Roping Activity “Not A Business”
  • Sidebar: What Is Team Roping?
  • “Family Farmer” Eligibility Determined As Of Bankruptcy Filing Date
  • “Show Jumping League” Concept Spawns Litigation
  • Typos Render Easement “Ambiguous”
  • Administrative Law Judges Hearing Horse Protection Act Cases Must Be Properly Appointed
  • USEF Suspends Member For Accosting Judge
  • University of Kentucky Equine Analytical Chemistry Lab Announces Pre-Purchase Testing is Now Available
  • CAS Dismisses Appeal Of Equestrian Athlete With Cocaine Positive

  • FEI Tribunal Issues Decisions in Three Equine Anti-Doping Cases

  • Equestrian Suspended for Human Anti-Doping Violation, Failed to Apply for “Therapeutic Use Exemption”

$65.00 x 1

Winter 2021

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Autumn 2020

  • Recreational Use Statute Does Not Bar Lawsuit Over “Negligently Bridled” Horse
  • Injured Rider Sues, Alleging Safety Vest Malfunction
  • Indiana Supreme Court Justice Files Dissent In Horse-Kick Case, Comparing It To A “Classic Dog Bite Case” And Rejecting “Sporting Event” Analysis
  • Lack Of Expert Dooms Case Alleging Monensin Tainted Feed
  • “Those Seats Are Taken”
  • Steeplechase Trainer Concedes Loss After Winning Appeal
  • Court OK’s Transfer Of Horses From Wife To Daughter
  • Putting A Price On Release Of Non-Compete Dooms Employer’s Injunction Request
  • Court Declines To Reduce Jury Award Of Punitive Damages
  • NY Court Clarifies Rule On Non-Owner Liability For Injury-Causing Animals
  • Animal Adoption Agency Has Duty To Inform Adopter Of Animal’s Past History
  • Does Aggressive Behavior Between Animals Presage Threat To Humans?
  • Livestock Owner Has No Duty To Inspect Fences Daily
  • NY Gaming Commission Suspends Harness Racing Licensees For Abuse And Needle Possession
  • American Horse Council & Coalition of Equine Organizations Oppose “Compromise” Proposal to PAST Act
  • Municipality Can Be Sued For Enhancing Risk Of Recreational Activity
  • FEI Tribunal Issues Decisions in Three Equine Anti-Doping Cases
  • FEI Investigates Two Horse Abuse Cases
$65.00 x 1

Autumn 2020

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Summer 2020

  • Judges Refuse To Second Guess Stewards’ Call In 2019 Kentucky Derby
  • “What They Said” — 10th Circuit On Board With The 6th Circuit Logic
  • Racehorse Trainer Faces Second Department Of Labor Lawsuit Over FLSA Violations
  • “Non Call” By Track Judges Is Not Appealable
  • State-Tribal Gaming Compact Renewed Automatically
  • Trainers, Claiming Lien, Ordered To Release Horses
  • Trainer Takes Possession Of Horse At Auction, But Fails To Pay
  • Pennsylvania Gaming Law Ruled Unconstitutional
  • Court Dismisses Exercise Rider’s Personal Injury Suit
  • Riding Accident At Federal Campground Not Within Manager’s “Scope Of Employment”
  • Don’t Call Me A Drunk Driver!
  • Supreme Court of Texas Interprets Farm Animal Act
  • Inherent Risk Of Dog Activity Not Comparable To Horse Activity
  • Injured Participant Can Sue Competition Management And NGB
  • Two Bad Horse Deals Equals One Big Lawsuit
  • Horse Owner Recovers $500 After Animal Control Gave Away Her Horses
  • Denied Discounts, Horse Owner Sues Insurance Agency
  • Class Action Filed Against Zoetis Over Injectable Antibiotic
  • California Law Violates Constitutional Rights Of Aspiring Farrier
  • Horse Boarding Disqualifies “Farmers” From Chapter 12 Bankruptcy Relief
  • Trump Blocks USDA Action To Prevent Horse Soring
  • Rescue Group Sues After Being Left Out Of Settlement Negotiations In Horse Abuse Case
  • Some Things You Just Can’t Blame On The Weather
  • Athlete Served Two-Year Period of FEI Disqualification in Human Anti-Doping Case
  • Horse Abuse and Anti-Doping Case Decisions Handed Down by FEI Tribunal and Court of Arbitration for Sport
$65.00 x 1

Summer 2020 Equine Law Business Letter

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Spring 2020

  • Golf Cart Not Covered Under Farm Policy When Off- Premises  
  • Legal Disability Does Not Toll Statute Of Limitations 
  • Court Affirms Jury Verdict Rejecting Injured Rider’s Claims 
  • How A “Small Claim” Becomes A Federal Case 
  • Patron’s “Trip and Fall” Case Dismissed 
  • Court Enforces Waiver Signed By Trail Rider 
  • Negligent Confinement Claim Puts Evidence Of Prior Escapes Directly At Issue 
  • Victims Of Auto Crash Take “Shotgun” Approach To Lawsuit 
  • Neighbors Challenge Designation Of Riding Stables As “Agricultural” 
  • The Saga Of The Horseless Horse Pasture Easement 
  • Building Permit? Now You See It, Now You Don’t 
  • Lease Clause That Relieves Party From Statutory Liability Is Void As Against Public Policy 
  • County Not Immune From Liability For Malicious Prosecution Of Horse Rescuer 
  • California Woman Alleges Fraud By British Breeder 
  • Lost Profits Not Recoverable In Horse Defamation Case 
  • Emotional Support Livestock? Minis, yes. Hogs, no. 
  • Award Of Horses To Unpaid Employee Affirmed On Appeal 
  • We Can Build It, But They May Not Come 
  • United States Supreme Court Declines To Hear Dispute Over Seizure Of Horses 
  • USEF Sanctioned By USOPC 
  • Arbitrator Rules That USEF Membership Application Is “Take-It-Or-Leave-It” Proposition 
  • Recent Final Decisions From the FEI Tribunal
  • Horses and Humans Run Afoul of FEI Anti-Doping Rules
$65.00 x 1

Spring 2020 Equine Law & Business Letter

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Winter 2020

  • Federal Indictment Reveals NY Racing Horse Doping Scandal 
  • Rojas Case Set For Oral Argument 
  • Racing Regulatory Lab First To Uncover Major Doping Threat To Both Racing And Human Sport 
  • Court Finds Puerto Rican Jockey Strike Illegal 
  • Warrantless Search At Racetrack OK’d By Court 
  • Accident At Keeneland Falls Outside Immunity Protections Of Kentucky’s Liability Act 
  • Missouri Court Rules EALA Not Applicable Because Racetrack Was Negligent 
  • “A Release That Applies Only To Inherent Risks Of Sport Is No Release At All” – California Court Enforces Pre-Injury Release For Ordinary Negligence 
  • Court Dismisses Father’s Lawsuit Over Leased Horse That Went Lame 
  • Discovery of Veterinarian’s Malpractice – Too Little, “Too Late” 
  • A Donkey Is More Like A Horse Than Like A Chicken 
  • Pro Se Taxpayer Proves Profit Motive To Tax Court In Hobby Loss Case 
  • Equine Appraiser Must Disclose Sales Data 
  • Taxpayers With One-Horse Business Fail To Prove Profit Motive 
  • Horse Defamation? Is That A Thing? 
  • Horse Auction Company Falls Victim To Fraud 
  • Veterinarian Disciplined For Malpractice 
  • Supreme Court of Texas Clarifies “At-Large” Livestock Liability Rules 
  • Are Cost Of Care Reimbursements Criminal “Fines”? 
  • Equestrian Entitled To Restraining Order Against Neighbor 
  • USEF Responds To Coronavirus Threat, Places Restrictions on USEF Licensed Competitions 
  • USEF: Sanctions Imposed for Recent Rule Violations
  • US Equestrian Launches New Guaranteed Insurance Benefits Program for Members 
  • Athletes Face FEI Disqualification in Human Anti-Doping Cases
  • FEI Tribunal Takes Action in Four Doping Cases
$65.00 x 1

Winter 2020

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Contact the Editor (Krysia Nelson) via email with any questions.

Equine Law & Business Letter
PO Box 66
Keswick, VA  22947

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